Over the last two weeks I have been able to spend a lot of time volunteering at Heaven’s Nest, a home for children who have been infected or affected by HIV and AIDS, and children who have been abandoned, abused, or neglected. The children stay at the home until they can be placed back with family members, fostered or adopted.
Upon arriving there Yap, my partner from class, and I were greeted with smiles and hugs. The children and staff immediately welcomed us and tried to get to know us. Heaven’s Nest is well run by a very knowledgeable staff. These caregivers pour their whole heart in to their job, following the home’s motto, “A child in need is our child indeed.” During our time there we got to work with two different staff groups and with other volunteers. The staff alternates from Auntie Sherieen and Auntie Natasha, to Auntie Janie. All of the women were joys to work with.
It was very educational for me to see the way that assorted cultures approach childcare. From Yap, who grew up in Singapore, to two German volunteers, and the ladies that run the home there were many different types of caring that seem nontraditional to me. This helped to reinforce for me that there are so many ways to care for people and raise children. I was happy to find the local staff singing songs that I remember from childhood and from working at camp. Even though we live miles apart, the children at Heaven’s Nest will have some of the same happy childhood memories that I have.
The days at Heaven’s Nest are set on a schedule to give the kids stability with their daily lives. Before Yap and I arrived at the home the children were usually already fed and dressed. A couple mornings Yap and I helped out with breakfast prep and then eating. After breakfast the kids, no matter how old, have school time. During this time all the children got together and went over basic vocabulary, numbers, alphabet, songs they know, and other mind stimulating activities. This time period if followed by play time outside. While we were there it was very hot. In addition to playing with the children, and pushing them on swings, they were given a couple days that they could spend playing in the pool. After playtime comes lunchtime followed by nap time and bath time. During the down times caregivers catch up on laundry, house chores, food prep, and other tasks that need to be completed to keep the home running.
Heaven’s Nest has been so blessed with support, donations, and volunteers. Beyond childcare, Yap and I were able to assist with laundry, food prep, dishes, organizing, and cleaning. I had a wonderful time getting to know the staff and the children. Maybe someday I will be able to come back and volunteer here again!

Dear Emily and Yap.
ReplyDeleteWhile browzing the web to monitor Heaven's Nest's web exposure I came across your blog.
My name is Shannon Williams. I am from South Africa and this year I have offered up my time to volunteer at Heaven's Nest you are right in saying that it's a very rewarding experience.
I am volunteering as a Public Relations Management student and I am assisting them by doing some P.R for their organisation.
I have only begun volunteering this year at the organisation. I am always amazed at how funny the little one's can be and the things they say and do.
If you have browzed the web lately and googled Heaven's Nest you would find much more links to the organisation. In the space of time that I've been at Heaven's Nest we have sucessfully launched our website, blog and facebook page. I am teaching everyone how to update it and keep it current I invite you to join our Facebook group. "Heaven's Nest Childcare and Recreational Facility". Eleanor is also on facebook now. I helped her with it and I am encouraging her to update it regulary. our web link is http://www.heavensnest.org.za